Thursday, November 27, 2008

It's a GIRL!

We found out on Nov 20th that we're having a lil' girl!  We had a Level 2 Sonogram with our high risk doctor and she was quite cooperative!  In fact, she was spread eagle! LOL  I hope she doesn't continue the trend into her teenage years though!  Everything measured good and her heart is strong.  So let's thank God for that!  

In other news- Steph and Ron's wedding was perfect!  The church ceremony was beautiful and the reception was fun fun fun!  (See pics on my myspace-  We stayed overnight after the reception because we were down in Galloway Twp- so it was a bit of a hike.  Unfortunately, Sal had to work the next morning, so we were up and out of there by 8 am.  That kinda sucked considering we didn't get to bed til after 1 am.  Oh well.  This same night though, something wonderful happened!  Kerry and Chris got engaged!!  After 7 long years, it's official!  I only wish I would have gotten her message that night instead of the next morning!  I can't wait to help her plan!  It's been a long time coming and I'm sure if we really wanted to, we could have it planned in 6 months! LOL  But I know realistically, it'll probably be in a year or so!  (P.S. Ker, we need to talk dates!)

So, today is Thanksgiving and I'm hosting this year (5 months pregnant and sick as a dog, what was I thinking?)  I've been up since 5:30, cooking, cleaning, blowing my nose and coughing up a lung.  Oy!  Hopefully everyone will just eat and go.  I know that sounds harsh, but I really just want to get back in bed.  Plus I have to work tomorrow, so I really need to rest at some point.  We had a full house last night too.  And even though I retired to bed early, I didn't go to sleep- I couldn't quit coughing.  It's horrible!  I saw my OB yesterday and he put me on an antibiotic, and told me to take Robitussin and Sudafed.  I'm doing all that and still am not feeling any better!  I hope by tomorrow I feel at least a little bit better so I can get through work!  

So long for now.. gotta baste the turkey!


kerry lynn said...

gonna start planning after the new year. we should all get together soon though, i miss you!

Tracy said...

Yay another girl! Grandma would be flipping over the thought of a fourth grandaughter. Your mom mentioned her name and I LOVE it!!Good luck with my Keurig giveaway. It is seriously the best coffee pot ever and so worth every penny I spent on it!

kerry lynn said...

in response to tracy - i have the keurig and it's seriously my best friend.