Sunday, November 9, 2008

Since I haven't done this in forever...

We had Sal's Birthday Party here last night, it was a pretty good time!  Planning and setting up and cleaning and all other things that go along with it- not so fun, but the outcome was well worth it!  Everyone brought something, so that lessened the blow a bit.  Food was good, desserts were yummy.  Sal got some really nice gifts too, he was thrilled!

We finished the clean up this morning, so thank goodness that's done.  We also finally took down the Halloween decorations LOL!  We went to Target this morning and got a Christmas tree.  I know, a fake tree- EEK!  But, it'll be easier on Sal this year, I won't be too much help with the carrying and setting up.  It's pre-lit and has branches that have berries and pine cones on them.  It'll look fab!  I'll just have to keep the yankee candle burning so it smells like a real tree HAHA!

I also got my eyebrows threaded today.  I've never had my eyebrows done by anyone- no waxing, no threading, nothing.  So that was an experience!  They look fantastic though!  I'll def keep getting them done.  It hurt a little bit though, but the girl said it was probably because I'm preggers I'm more sensitive.  She said normally it doesn't hurt at all.

We have Steph and Ron's wedding this Friday, so excited about that!  It's been a long time coming!  Hopefully the weather will be nice, the 10-day forecast shows showers though.  We'll have to keep our fingers crossed that changes!

I have my Level 2 sonogram on Nov 20th and we'll hopefully find out what we are having!  As long as he/she isn't laying crossed-legged!  

I'll update after the wedding, unless something earth shattering happens before then!

1 comment:

kerry lynn said...

it was a blasty blast! when am i gonna see the pics from that night that sal took? lol