Saturday, March 14, 2009

35 weeks 3 days

Less than 5 weeks until my due date!  Hallelujah!  I am so ready to meet our little girl- and some days  it feels she's just as ready!  I've been having lots of Braxton Hicks lately along with some pain and cramping.  The swelling of my feet and ankles has gotten a lot worse!  I can't even wear shoes anymore... just slippers and flip flops.  Thankfully I only have 4 more days of work left, I can hardly wait!  I just need some rest and comfy clothes!

I've been washing/folding baby clothes for what seems like FOREVER.  The nursery is a slight disaster area at this point.. there isn't a place for everything and everything is not in it's place!!  It'll get there eventually, I hope so anyway!

I've devoted today to doing nothing at all.  I worked all week, 8 hour days with a hospital tour and child birth class thrown in there too.  I'm beat!  We may go out with the gang tonight though, I'd really like to, but we'll see if I can gather some energy to go!  I'm hoping maybe an afternoon nap will do the trick.

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