Monday, June 30, 2008

Mmm Pie..

So yesterday we decided to go for a drive out to Columbus Flea Market.  The drive out is always nice. empty roads, farmland, etc.  It was great weather too (at least when we first got there!)  We walked around a bit, looking for something we didn't need but wanted and found nothing.  Only thing we bought was an empanada, chicken kabob and a orange soda. LOL  At 9:30 AM!  But it's okay, I let Sal enjoy his treat.  We couldn't stay very long long, it got HOT and FAST.  No sooner did the words "wow, it's actually nice out" come out of my mouth did the temperature rise about 15 degrees.  I was wearing a sundress and could feel my thighs starting to stick (you know it happens to you too!) and that was the end of it for me.  So back to the car we went and decided we were going to head over to one of the U-Pick farms in New Egypt.  Not that we were actually going to pick anything,  but we wanted to see what they had already picked in the shop (we so weren't dressed to be out in the fields).  Well, we ended up at Emery's.  They didn't have any fruits or veggies, they had PIE.  Oh man.  I am not a dessert person, but put a apple pie in front of me and I can't resist!  So, we bought 3 pies (one for us, one for my parents and one for Sal's parents), corn relish (because Sal likes that), blackberry jam, strawberry jam, and apple cider donuts (I can't resist those either!).  So $60 later we left and headed home to disperse our treats.  It was a nice morning, felt good to get out of town and man, those donuts were so worth the trip!  They were 10 times better than Delicious Orchards apple cider donuts, these actually had bits of apple in them!  

Alright, off to work I go.. man, I hate Mondays...

Monday, June 23, 2008

Manic Mondays

Why do we always feel so tired on Mondays?  Is it coming down off the weekend high?  Or the dread of working for 8 hours a day?  Whatever the reason, Mondays make me sleepy and yes, even slightly grumpy.  I was driving to work this morning, after my daily Dunkin' Donut stop, in a complete daze.  I pulled into the parking lot and couldn't remember driving there.  That's never good.  Apparently everyone was having a rough morning, Tara was feeling under the weather, Dawn was slamming around at her desk, I couldn't seem to get my head on straight.  Not a cheerful morning at the ISB.

I guess I shouldn't complain much though, I did have a nice weekend.  After work Saturday, I came home and threw on my suit and parked my ass in a lounger out on the deck with a book.  I just enjoyed the warmth of the sun and the trashy goodness of my Nora Roberts.  Then, Saturday night we went out to celebrate Lenny's 29th Birthday at Ikko in Brick.  We had a good time, even though our food wasn't totally yummy.  Ikko is a sushi/hibachi.  We didn't sit hibachi side though, we sat restaurant side.  And that's would have been all well and good, except 6 of the 8 of us don't eat sushi so we were forced to pick something off the very limited non-sushi menu.  I got teriyaki filet mignon and it was hardly filet mignon- I don't even know what I could compare it to.  I mean it was tender, but beyond  And the waitress, good Lord was she a moron!  She was getting snippy with US for not understanding HER!  Hi, this is America.  You work here.  Learn the language!  Not to mention she almost elbowed Angie in the nose twice!  Needless to say, the tip we left wasn't worth writing home about.  (P.S. just because we're in a Japanese restaurant doesn't mean everyone knows how to use chop sticks, and when you're asked for forks, it's a good idea to get them! Sidenote: I was not one of the 3 in need of a fork, I'm quite handy with the chop sticks- rice and all!)

Sunday consisted of much running around.  Lowe's, Stop and Shop, Target, Sears, car wash, back to Lowe's.  Also got in a few hours of sun worshipping and gossip mag reading too!  I enjoy a lazy Sunday on occasion, actually most occasions!  We did purchase another freezer for the garage- we were in desperate need.  The freezer in our fridge is entirely too small, I just can't fit anything in it.  The fridge part is fine, no complaints there!  So we got a 8.8 cubic feet freezer and we'll see how that goes.  There's only the 2 of us, so for now it should work out.  I just need somewhere to store my frozen veggies and ice!

In other news, I've reunited with a dear friend from high school- Mike Hernandez aka Hondo!  I found him on Facebook (sidenote: I hate Facebook, don't understand it at all!) and emailed him, wasn't 100% sure it was him- turns out it was and we've been emailing and texting for the past week or so.  We were such good buds and just lost touch over the years, hopefully we won't do that again!  I'm planning a small BBQ on July 5th that he's going to come to, so that'll be nice.  Sal's never even met him, so he's happy to meet him too!  It's funny, my mom mentioned "Hondo" the other day, I can't even remember how he came up in convo, but perhaps that was a bit of foreshadowing?!

I just have to share this- as I'm sitting here typing my husband and our neighbor Chris are trying to change my front door handle.  Yes, it's taking two of them.  And they are reading directions.  Even I don't read directions.  I could probably do it myself, but I don't mind watching these antics.. pretty entertaining.

Alright, I'm off to get some Rita's!


Tuesday, June 17, 2008

This past weekend....

Let's do a review of this past weekend...

I actually had a Saturday off!  First one in about a month!  I spent the day running errands, laying in the sun and cleaning the house.  In that order (had to be outside for the prime tanning hours!).  That night we went to dinner with some friends of ours, an older couple Sal knows from his old gym, "Uncle" Phil and Olga.  We went to hibachi at Shogun (yum!)  It was a pretty good time, lots of laughs.  Uncle Phil has no shame, I'll just say that.

Sunday was of course, Father's Day.  We did breakfast with Sal's parents then popped in on my parents.  We were home by about 1 pm and were able to relax!  We watched a movie, I cooked sausage/ peppers/ onions and we attempted the dreaded ice cream machine.  (Quick sidenote to LN: just saw a commercial for Cirque Dreams LOL  it's going to be on Broadway!)  Okay, back to the ice cream maker- we were not at all prepared for making ice cream.  We had all the ingredients, sure, but not nearly enough ice!  That tub was like a bottomless pit!  So, it churned for a while with the ice we had and finally, I simply could not take the noise anymore and made Sal turn it off and stick the semi-made ice cream in the freezer.  Later that night Sal gave it a try and said it wasn't bad.  I, at this point, had no desire to even taste it.  It was nothing but a argument between us all day (because if I let him but the $75 Cuisinart one we wouldn't have had this problem, it didn't NEED ice) Whatever!

And now it's Tuesday and I have a day off, because I have to work this Saturday (big surprise).  I have nothing I have to do today, so I'm not sure what I will do with my day.  The sun is out.. so laying on the back deck is always an option... and maybe I'll finish reading The Hollow by Nora Roberts.  


Thursday, June 12, 2008


Quick update- so, we've yet to make the ice cream!  Our freezer is filled to the gills right now, so we're holding off on it.  Sal has been asking every night to make it, but I keep asking him in return "and where do you plan on putting it?"  So, perhaps this weekend it will be made, we've got some eatin' to do first though!  I'm not so into making the banana one though, I'm going to try to convince him to try something else first.  Bananas don't agree with me so well!

Tracy mention the Ice Cream Festival in her comment of the last blog and I wanted to share that with everyone- its July 19th in Downtown Toms River!  I plan on checking it out this year since I had such a good time at the Chili Cookoff a few weeks ago.  Hope to see everyone there!

And I just have to say, I was just flipping through the channels on TV and stopped on some High School Stories show (courtesy of MTV of course) and a couple of jackasses put laxatives in donuts and passed them out in the hallways at school- giving everyone the shits.  Who does that?!  Honestly... that's screwed up!

And a quick shout out to Laura Nic!  She's comments every blog, so she deserves some acknowledgement!  Love ya girlie!

Sunday, June 8, 2008

ice cream anyone?

So, the other night we were watching Alton Brown on the Food Network and he made Banana Ice Cream.  Can anyone guess where I'm going with this?  If you guessed Sal decided we NEED an ice cream maker and ran out to buy one- you'd be right.  Oy.  Now, I can say that homemade ice cream kicks ass, I've made it before, but honestly are we going to make enough to warrant the purchase of an ice cream maker?  No.  And when you get right down to it, I don't eat ice cream anymore.  If I have a few spoonfuls a year, that's it.  

So today during our food shopping excursion we HAD to get all the necessary items to make said banana ice cream.  And can I just say the thought of whole milk and heavy cream make my stomach turn?  I don't know why, but ewww!  So, that's our project for today, he's excited about it though, so I guess as long as he's happy...

In other news, Nicole, Lenny and Mason are home!  We stopped by there yesterday for a bit, but didn't stay too long, they needed to settle in.  They're going to be such good parents, its so exciting to watch them interact with him.  Sal's got the baby itch more than ever right now, it's cute.

Well, I'm off to fold laundry and make the bed, I lead such an exciting life, I know.  I'd rather do the indoor chores though during this heat wave, ugh!  We went to a Blueclaws game last night and couldn't even stay- the sweat was running down my legs- and that's disgusting.  Thank you God for air conditioning!

Thursday, June 5, 2008

It's a Boy!!

Nicole and Lenny had a little boy yesterday at 1:18 pm.  His name is Mason Manning and he was 8 lbs 4 oz 20 1/2 inches.  He's absolutely BEAUTIFUL!  I fell in love!  He's right under Aly on my list!  Nicole is doing well, she ended up having to have a c-section, but other than fighting nausea she's doing okay.  Can't wait to go back there today and snuggle the lil bunny some more!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

quick update

Nicole is still in labor, over 12 hours now.  Say a prayer everything goes smoothly for her from here on out.  I woke up at 5 am from a dream that she had a girl, 21 inches, 7 lbs 4 ozs.  I immediately texted her hubby (since I didn't hear from him all night) and he said they were still waiting.  Thankfully though, he said she slept most of the night, had a heart rate scare at 4 am, but other than that the night was quiet.  I told him to keep me updated, I'll have my cell in my hand all day!  I don't know how I'll be able to concentrate at work today!!!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

to start things off...

So, I see lots of people with these blogs and figured "Hey, I have a lot to say, why not make my own?!"  So here it goes, my first entry:
Today one of my bff's is having her first baby!  Nicole (said bff) had a due date of May 31st, but that day came and went with no real progress.  She had a doctor appt yesterday and they decided to induce her today at 5pm.  So in about 30 minutes, she'll be starting the whole labor process.  We're all anxiously awaiting the arrival of this lil bugger!  Nicole and her hubby decided to not find out the sex, so that makes it all the more exciting!  Hopefully by tomorrow morning, I'll be writing a blog on the arrival of Baby C!
As for me, those who are in the loop, know we're trying our damnedest to get pregnant.  This month we're using an ovulation kit and keeping our fingers crossed!  It's crazy how people can get pregnant when they aren't trying, but those who try have a hard time.  I think my cousin Tracy said it best when she told me "it's easy to get knocked up, but it's hard to get pregnant".   Hell, if that ain't the truth!