Sunday, June 8, 2008

ice cream anyone?

So, the other night we were watching Alton Brown on the Food Network and he made Banana Ice Cream.  Can anyone guess where I'm going with this?  If you guessed Sal decided we NEED an ice cream maker and ran out to buy one- you'd be right.  Oy.  Now, I can say that homemade ice cream kicks ass, I've made it before, but honestly are we going to make enough to warrant the purchase of an ice cream maker?  No.  And when you get right down to it, I don't eat ice cream anymore.  If I have a few spoonfuls a year, that's it.  

So today during our food shopping excursion we HAD to get all the necessary items to make said banana ice cream.  And can I just say the thought of whole milk and heavy cream make my stomach turn?  I don't know why, but ewww!  So, that's our project for today, he's excited about it though, so I guess as long as he's happy...

In other news, Nicole, Lenny and Mason are home!  We stopped by there yesterday for a bit, but didn't stay too long, they needed to settle in.  They're going to be such good parents, its so exciting to watch them interact with him.  Sal's got the baby itch more than ever right now, it's cute.

Well, I'm off to fold laundry and make the bed, I lead such an exciting life, I know.  I'd rather do the indoor chores though during this heat wave, ugh!  We went to a Blueclaws game last night and couldn't even stay- the sweat was running down my legs- and that's disgusting.  Thank you God for air conditioning!


lifehousette said...

I'm such a faithful commenter. What do I win? Something good?

This heat wave is BEYOND disgusting, and I have to work at a house tomorrow where the old gal refuses to use air conditioning. She insists that fans are more than enough. This defines old and crazy.

I've never in my life had homemade icecream. Does that make me strange? Hm.

I'm very happy for Nicole, Lenny, and their new family. That's so exciting, and it's only a matter of time before you and Sal travel down that road, too. I just know it!

Tracy said...

I'll be expecting you guys to have your own booth at the Ice Cream Festival this year! LOL I'll vote for you since your my cuz but to be honest I'm not feeling the whole banana thing. When you master cookies and cream let me know. I'll bring the hot fudge!

Anonymous said...

so how did this said ice cream turn out?