Sunday, March 6, 2011

Roasting a chicken and Rango

So, I am a pretty handy cook, but one thing I've never attempted is a roasted chicken. I tend to buy chicken of the boneless/skinless variety. But today, I'm going for it! I am sure I can do it, I mean I've done a turkey for Thanksgiving before! I haven't decided on my seasonings yet though, I guess I'll scope out some recipe websites before we head to Stop & Shop. *fingers crossed* I think I can, I think I can....
We are hoping to take Sophie to see Rango today too. She asks every time the commercial comes on! "you take me to the movies mommy? we eat popcorn and juicey?" I'm sort of on the fence though since it's supposed to be a very rainy day, which means the theater will be PACKED! Maybe if we can get to the first showing this morning it won't be too bad...
Alright, I'll be back later to update on the chicken adventure!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

After a very long hiatus...

Wow, I can't believe I've been away for over a year! Holy cow! Guess that little toddler truly kept me busy!
Well, we survived Sophie's first year of life :) She is just such a joy! I can't believe how smart and well rounded she is. She has such a personality! Lately I have noticed how "grown" she is. I can have real conversations with her, for instance, if I ask her how her day was- she actually tells me! She goes on and on about what she did, what she ate, what she watched on TV, what books she read, etc. It's hilarious!
I am getting that second baby itch though :/ I would so love to have another, but things are kind of messy right now and I don't know if its such a good idea. My parents are still in their mess and I rely on them as babysitters- so throwing a newborn into that mix may not be the best idea. We are struggling financially, so that's another factor. Yes, I know you can "never afford" kids, but things are pretty tight right now. Sal has confirmed that if my parents can get themselves together (i.e. either mom or dad gets a job) then we can start trying. I hate that I have to base our decisions on them, but we really kind of have to :/ We definitely can't afford daycare. Especially around here. And yes, maybe I am being a bit picky, but I am not sending my child(ren) to just any daycare. It will be the best and unfortunately the best is about $1500 a month. Ha! That's almost as much as my take home!
Anyway, I am glad to be back in the blogging world, I've missed just throwing my thoughts out there. It's good to purge once in a while.
I'll keep this short though, I hear a little person waking up from her nap :)