Thursday, March 3, 2011

After a very long hiatus...

Wow, I can't believe I've been away for over a year! Holy cow! Guess that little toddler truly kept me busy!
Well, we survived Sophie's first year of life :) She is just such a joy! I can't believe how smart and well rounded she is. She has such a personality! Lately I have noticed how "grown" she is. I can have real conversations with her, for instance, if I ask her how her day was- she actually tells me! She goes on and on about what she did, what she ate, what she watched on TV, what books she read, etc. It's hilarious!
I am getting that second baby itch though :/ I would so love to have another, but things are kind of messy right now and I don't know if its such a good idea. My parents are still in their mess and I rely on them as babysitters- so throwing a newborn into that mix may not be the best idea. We are struggling financially, so that's another factor. Yes, I know you can "never afford" kids, but things are pretty tight right now. Sal has confirmed that if my parents can get themselves together (i.e. either mom or dad gets a job) then we can start trying. I hate that I have to base our decisions on them, but we really kind of have to :/ We definitely can't afford daycare. Especially around here. And yes, maybe I am being a bit picky, but I am not sending my child(ren) to just any daycare. It will be the best and unfortunately the best is about $1500 a month. Ha! That's almost as much as my take home!
Anyway, I am glad to be back in the blogging world, I've missed just throwing my thoughts out there. It's good to purge once in a while.
I'll keep this short though, I hear a little person waking up from her nap :)

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