Thursday, September 18, 2008

Since it's been a while...

I'm terrible at updating.  I just don't find the time lately, I suck!  But here's a few things:

I have my first appointment with the high risk doctor on the 29th, which I believe will consist of the NT Scan.  The NT Scan tests to see if the baby is likely to have Down's Syndrome.  Obviously, the results will not change anything, but because of my Crohn's Disease, I have to have a bunch of tests.  So I will do whatever the doctor orders!  Then I have my 12 week appointment with the regular doctor on Oct 2nd.  Hopefully the baby will look like more than a blob by then!

I've been feeling... what's the word... cruddy?  cranky?  crampy?  Yeah, all of the above.  Morning sickness is still ruling my world, if it's not one end, its the other.  Sorry for the bluntness, but well, this is my damn blog and I tell it like it is!  Fun news though, my lower belly is getting hard!  I can't suck it in anymore.  I know that sounds weird, but that's the only way to describe it.  And the buttons on my jeans are digging in like whoa!  I'm going to need a bella band soon I think.  I'm going to go for as long as I can't without though, I feel like it's too early for that.  And I don't want to be "that pregnant girl".  I know I'm still way early in my pregnancy, I'm not running out to buy Liz Lange yet!  Oh and another issue I've been having- breakouts!  OMG!  I was truly blessed as a teen to not have acne problems, and even my early twenties.  I guess I should thank birth control for that.  But since I've been off BC and pregnant- eww!  My skin is awful!  It's a good thing I am handy with a makeup brush, let me tell ya!

Okay, I need to go wash off my face mask!   


Tracy said...

Fun!Fun! LOL> 2nd trimester will be here soon and is way better. You feel better and start looking pregnant so you don't feel like it is all in your head. BTW I went for the Down's testing and it was kind of a crock. At least with the perinatologyst that I saw. If it is Premier Perinatology (did I spell that right????) Don't go!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm not the only one who had a horrible experience there. They are run like a biz that is only after your money. Even though Stella was fine and after I made it through 2nd trimester I was "considered out of the woods" 'cause of my last few pregnancy experiences since Madison. They still kept ordering more and more ultrasounds. When I brought it up to my Ob she said to stop immediatly and flat out that they were just trying to milk me for more money. I could go on and on about how horrible they were. Don't mean to scare you but I don't want you to have the same experience I did. If it is them I highly reccommend finding someone else. My doctor's office completely refuses to even send anyone there anymore. Otherwise good luck!

Amy said...

Eeek! No it's actually Women's and Children's Speciality Center in Lakewood on Rt 70. My gf is currently seeing them and speaks highly of the doc's in there. So I'll be hoping for the same good experience! Sorry you had such a bad one! :-(