Saturday, April 4, 2009

11 days to go...or 25 days..

So, let me update my last couple of appointments- 

At the high risk doctor: had another sonogram, she was still head down, face up (grr!), but growing well!  They said she's 6 lbs 2 oz so far.  So we can expect at least a 7 lb 5 oz baby!  Scary, but my mom delivered me at 8 lbs, so I know it can be done! LOL  That was my last high risk appointment, they released me :-)

At the OB: I had my first internal exam (ouch!)  There isn't any dilation yet, but he said my cervix is low- which is good!  From what I am told and what I have read, your cervix drops before it starts to thin and dilate.  So, we're making a little progress!

At this point I'm just waiting really.  I'm getting a little bored being home everyday, but I'm afraid to go out alone, so I just have to deal.  I've done little projects around the house- finished putting together some of the nursery things (diaper genie, breast pump, etc), cleaned the bathroom (this actually took 2 days because I got tired), straightened the office, made address labels for the announcements, etc.  Nothing too big, but at least I feel productive when I get some things done.

I didn't feel too hot yesterday though, very sick to my stomach and crampy.  I laid down on the couch for a while and then moved to the bed, it took a while but it eased up a bit.  I'm not feeling 100% today, but I am up and about.  We're having some of the gang over tonight for dinner, so I want to make sure the house is presentable!  Speaking of.. I should get up and finish vacuuming.

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