Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Tomorrow is my due date

I had a doctor's appointment yesterday and nothing has changed.  My cervix is still closed, but it's low and her head is "right there" (whatever that means!).  I had to have a NST because her movement has decreased significantly, but thankfully everything was okay.  I have to do kick counts through out the day until she's born.  If 3 hours pass without movement, I have to call and go back in.  So far, everything has been alright though.  I had to make another appointment for Monday the 20th, I'm hoping we won't have to go to it though!  If we do, I may have to begin the begging and crying routine.  I really can't go 2 weeks passed my due date.. that would bring me to April 29th!!!!!  Oh I could cry just thinking about that!  I know my body knows what it is doing, blah blah blah, but seriously?!  I've suffered long enough, anyone who knows me knows this has not been an easy pregnancy for me by any means!  I'm just so grateful my Crohn's didn't flare up during it, that is one highlight at least!  But it seems everything else has gone wrong!  It's almost over, it's almost over, it's almost over....

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