Friday, October 2, 2009

Almost Disney World Time!

I so can't wait for Sunday. We're taking a long awaited and much deserved vacation! We are taking Sophie to Disney World! And a bonus? Kati, Brian and Alyssa are coming too! I checked the 10 day on and it looks like it's going to be hot... which I am not too thrilled about. I like warm, but 87-90 degrees is a bit much for my liking. So, we'll see how that goes.

Speaking of Florida.. I went tanning this week. I figured if it was going to be hot and sunny I needed some sort of base tan, especially since this body hadn't seen a bathing suit all summer (seriously, not once!). So I went Monday and Tuesday- no problem at all. Then I went last night and I am BURNED! Holy crap. I didn't stay in longer than the other days (8 minutes all 3 days); the only difference was I went in a stand up last night. Whoa nelly! So today, I will smell like a salad because I had to break out the vinegar to take away some of the sting. Owww!

In other news- Sophie is growing like a stink weed! She's 5 months and a half and as gorgeous as can be! She's got such a personality! She's very into "mommy" these days. Not that I truly mind, I love being with her, but sometimes things have to get done! Eh, I suppose it's just a phase.

Gotta run, have to get dressed and go to the Chiro (that's another story for another day...)

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