Thursday, October 1, 2009

Stole this from Tracy

I've neglected this blog- it's hard working full-time, being a mommy full-time and writing regularly! Anyway, here's a Meme about naming your kiddos! I took it from Tracy's Blog "What's on Mommy's Mind".

1. Do you have any cultural or religious naming traditions?
2. Did you or your partner come to the marriage with pre-selected names?
No. I had "favorites" from childhood/teen years, but when we first started dating, then got married, we weren't sure we were going to have kids.
3. Did you consider the sound of the first and middle and last names together? Did this make any sad eliminations?
Oh yes... this was absolutely necessary. Not much sounds good with Monardo. Personally, I think my own name sounds weird with it.
4. Did you have veto powers?
Of course. There will never be a Salvatore Anthony Monardo Jr.... too Staten Island for me.
5. Did the baby naming cause arguments?
No, Sal was pretty good about just agreeing with me :-)
6. Do you think it is easier to name boys or girls?
It's hard both ways for us, again because I think most names sound weird with our last name. We do have a boys name and another girls name picked out though if/when we have another. And the boys name is actually all family names- as long as you don't steal it, I'll share: Jack Thomas Bryce Monardo. I really hope I have a boy because I love the name.
7. Did you eliminate names because of people from your past or present who you don’t like or because a certain image comes to mind?
Yes, but at this very moment I'm drawing a blank on what it was... I just remember being very adament!
8. Did you / would you survey your children to get their thoughts on the name?
No we didn't. And honestly, my M-I-L hated Sophie's name. But tough cookies because mind was made up!
9. Did you tell people the name or possible names before the baby was born or were they “in the vault”?
Yes, but we weren't swayed.
10. Did you use baby name books?
Yes, but they weren't the deciding factors.

Drumroll Please…What did you name your kid(s)?

Sophia Jayne

1 comment:

Kerry said...

about time you wrote! lol