Thursday, August 28, 2008

Official Announcement!

Okay, so maybe not that official, but since you guys already know- yes, I am preggers!  I had my first appointment on Aug 22nd and was told I was about 8 weeks along.  I was given a tentative due date of April 5th (yes Tracy, your b-day!), but that could change as we all know.  I go for my first sonogram on Sept 4th.  I am being treated as a high risk pregnancy because of my Crohn's Disease, better safe than sorry!  My friend Michele is currently carrying twins and is seeing the same high risk doctors I will be seeing, she said they are awesome.  So that's good to hear.  

As for the actually pregnancy so far, I'm having some terrible morning sickness.  Oy!  It's really quite terrible, I can't sugar coat it.  Anyone who has gone through it knows what I mean.  I haven't been eating after 6 pm and not before 10 am the next morning just to avoid throwing up.  Nothing seems to help.  I have Preggie Pops, I've sipped ginger ale, I've eaten saltine crackers, I've sucked on lemons... there's no relief for me.  But, Kim passed an old wives tale on to me yesterday "the worse the morning sickness, the healthier the baby".  Boy, I sure hope that's true!  Aside from the morning sickness, I've felt every cramp in my lower abdomen and back and feel like I could sleep for days.  Every side effect, I've got it!  I am truly envious of women who get through their first trimester without these ailments.  

Okay, I'm going to attempt a few chores around the house and run a few errands.  (and then take a nap!)


Tracy said...

Yay! Congrats! I didn't know if I was supposed to know so I've been keeping it quiet. I'm feelin' your morning sickness. None with Madison but I lost 20 pounds with Stella and was on all kinds of meds. that didn't work. I begged and pleaded my way out of having to be admitted to the hospital on several occasions. Hopefully it gets better than that. If you can try to keep even something super light in your stomach at all times (crackers, toast) it seems to help take the edge off! With Madison I remeber being so tired at work that when my students' were at special I would turn off my classroom lights, lock the door and curl up on their story rug with a pillow to catch a few zzzz's just to be able to drive home without falling asleep! On the upside you are 2/3 of the way through your 1st trimester! So worth it when you are up all night with a sleepless newborn. Just kidding, well kind of. Sorry I'm babbling I'm just super excited you and Sal are going to be awesome parents!!!!

kerry lynn said...

i cant wait to be aunt kerry!!!!! i cant wait to plan the shower LOL a great excuse for one of our kickass parties! LOL

And Michele who? Do I know her?